4 operation on Decimals
Simplifying Fractions
Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers
4 operations on Fraction
Fraction of an amount
FDP (Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages)
Percentage of an amount
Percentages increase/ decrease
Reverse Percentages
Simple interest and compound interest
Comparing numbers (including negatives)
Adding and Subtracting negatives numbers
Multiplying and dividing negatives numbers
Round to the nearest unit, 10, 100, 1000
Round to 1 decimal place, 2 dp, 3 dp
Round to 1 significant figure, 2 sf, 3sf
Error interval
Prime Factors
HCF (Highest common factors)
LCM (Lowest common multiples)
Forming expressions and equations
Simplifying expressions (adding and subtracting algebraic expressions)
Simplifying expressions (multiplying and dividing algebraic expressions)
Solving Equations
Re-arranging Formulae
Law of indices (Multiply)
Law of indices (with brackets, mixed)
Next on the sequences
nth term from a number sequence
nth term from a picture sequence
Knowing if a number in a nth term
Perimeter of a regular polygon
Perimeter of a compound shape
Area of a square and a rectangle
Area of a parallelogram
Area of a triangle
Area of a trapezium
Surface area of a cube and a cuboid
Surface area of a pyramid and a triangular prism
Surface area of a L shape prism
Volume of a cube and a cuboid
Volume of a prism
Different part of a circle
Area of a circle
Area and Perimeter of a sector